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Requesting SSL Certificates

Firstly you will need a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). A CSR can be generated through a csr.yml file following the guidance in this repo (wildcard certs are generated with a different syntax within the csr.yml file):

Example Csr.yml files can be found on the openssl-mac-branch branch

Running the CSR generator

Ensure you are logged into the azure cli

az login

Create a YAML file called csr.yml in the working directory and fill in as per YAML Syntax

Ensure that you have the requirements in the requirements.txt file

pip install -r requirements.txt

Generate the certificate policy to be uploaded


Alternatively run

python3 ./

The vault used to process certificates for renewal is infra-cert-prod Note: this can configuring by changing the subscription + vault in the generate_csr script (change variables at the top)

Generate the certificate signing request:


The certificate requests will be output to the archive_csr/\<date\> folder (wildcard certificate signing request e.g. * are generated as wildcard-platform-hmcts-net in the archive folder)

The generated certificate signing requests can also be downloaded again from the key vault under the certificates section should they be lost - click certificate operation, and download certificate signing request.

Submit request form

Once you have generated a certificate signing request, you can raise a request with the HMCTS OPS Procurement team via ServiceNow.

You’ll be asked to provide the following information:

  • Certificate Common Name (CN)
  • Certificate Subject Alternative Names (SANs) if multiple domains are required
  • Certificate Validity Period (typically 1 to 2 years)
  • Project Manager
  • Project Name/Programme Name
  • Your name & contact information

Pointing the DNS

Once you have submitted the service now request, you will receive an email asking you to point the DNS. The email will contain an instruction similar to this: "Please add the following DNS record: 10800 IN CNAME"

There’s some changes to make to these instructions before raising a PR:

  • Remove the top level domains after the application. So from the example would become:
-name: "_EBCEA3AAA604EE544AFE2171A1C19D4A.decree-absolute"
  • TTL: Add a time to live, 300 is the usual TTL used here.
  • Add the record: It’s important to keep the full stop at the end of the CNAME.

The changes made in the PR for this example would look like this:

- name:  "_EBCEA3AAA604EE544AFE2171A1C19D4A.decree-absolute"  
  ttl: 300
  record: ""

You can then raise a pull request in azure-public-dns to add this DNS record to the corresponding yaml file, which in this example would be apply-divorce-service-gov-uk.yml. After the PR is merged and the build finishes, check the DNS has propagated successfully with something like mxtoolbox before the next step.

Upload certificate to Azure

  • For this step, clone rdo-ssl-creation repository locally, make sure you’re on the correct branch by checking the readme. For example Mac users should check out to the openssl-mac-branch.
  • Convert the .txt cert file to .p7b with this command:openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile -certfile cert-chain -out
  • Then you can navigate to the Azure Portal and find the relevant certificate in the “infra-cert-prod” vault, in this example it’s “decree-absolute-apply-divorce-service-gov-uk”. Click Certificate Operation > Merge Signed Request, and then upload the .p7b file created in the previous instruction. After this merge show status as complete, you’ve successfully renewed/procured the certificate.

Send a certificate to be used by a 3rd Party

This step is only required if the certificate is being placed elsewhere or being used by a 3rd Party.

  • After merging the signed request in the last step, click on the certificate and “Download in PFX/PEM format”.
  • If you’re procuring this cert for a developer in another project that doesn’t have access to the key vault, they will need the certs private key. This can be found by running this command: cat infra-cert-prod-decree-absolute-apply-divorce-service-gov-uk-20200609.pfx | openssl pkcs12 -nodes.
  • If you just need to forward the cert on to the ticket raiser, then you need to add a password to the cert before emailing it. Move the pfx file into the ‘makepfx’ folder, and change the password in the “” file. Run the command ./ infra-cert-prod-decree-absolute-apply-divorce-service-gov-uk-20200609.pfx
  • You can now send the password-protected cert to whoever requested it. It’s best to send the cert in one email, and the password you added to the “” file in another. You can use a site like to do this.
  • Add the cert to the relevant key vault: Navigate to this key vault and find the cert (decree-absolute-apply-divorce-service-gov-uk in this case), click new version > import > upload the cert.pfx file downloaded earlier and type in the password. You should see a “successfully created” message after this.

Guidance for PET certificates only

For some certs the process is slightly different, for example:

  • Download pfx of the renewed cert from the vault.
  • Convert to base 64 openssl base64 -in ~/Downloads/traefik-jb.pfx -out ~/Downloads/traefik-jdbase64.kl.
  • Reverse engineer and find new vault - e.g. shared service - ss-vault-prod.
  • Restart pods so they pick up the new certs.


SSL Creation Video

This page was last reviewed on 26 January 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 26 January 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices .
This page was set to be reviewed before 26 January 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices. This might mean the content is out of date.