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Updating Neuvector Policies

The policies for Neuvector are found in the chart-neuvector repo.

If you need to make a change to the policies then you need to update this repo and create a new release of the helm chart.


The most common thing you may have to change is the admission control policy.

Here is an example of a pull request showing an update being made to the admission control policy to allow external docker images to be used in the artifactory namespace.

Releasing a new chart version

When you merge to master in the chart-neuvector repo, a draft release is created.

Find the draft release and click the edit button (the pencil icon) and publish it.

Updating flux config

Submit a pull request in each of the flux config repos to update the version of the chart.

Here is an example in CFT.

You can also follow the patching example to see how you can target the different environments separately if you want to test the new chart version first.

Deleting backup files

Neuvector config is backed up to an Azure File Share. This ensures when the neuvector pods are deleted, the config is restored.

However, this can cause issues when trying to make a change to the config as it won’t take effect until you delete the relevant backup files.

In the example linked above, we were updating the namespaces that were allowed to pull third-party docker images to include the artifactory namespace because neuvector was blocking artifactory pods from deploying.

To get neuvector to pick up this change, we had to delete the admission_control.backup and crd.backup files from the file share.

After deleting the helm release and letting it redeploy, the new admission control policy was picked up and we could deploy artifactory again.

The storage accounts these file shares live in can be found in the Azure Portal by searching for neuvector. There is a storage account for each environment neuvector is deployed to.

The storage accounts are tagged with builtFrom: hmcts/chart-neuvector.

This page was last reviewed on 11 March 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 11 March 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices .
This page was set to be reviewed before 11 March 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices. This might mean the content is out of date.