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BAU Onboarding

On a 2-sprint basis these BAU & Live Services squads will be accompanied by one representative from the Red, Blue & Yellow squads on a rotational basis. The rota for each of these squads can be found here.

  • Red
  • Blue
  • Yellow


12:00pm each day - BAU squads (Green & Purple) discuss workload, priorities and issues. There is Ticket allocation at the end where you can pick up any new BAU request tickets.

Daily Triage

3:30pm each day - an update call where you can request assistance for any technical help as well as any additional tickets being allocated.

Slack Groups/Channels

If joining from the Blue/Yellow/Red squad you will be automatically added through the BAU rotation script.

  • #platops-help – Tickets are periodically triaged and picked up from here throughout the day as well. The PlatOps Help bot helps to display key details like the ticket description, status, environment, reporter as well as being able to assign it to yourself.
  • #dtspo-bau-and-live-services - similar to the other squads #dtspo channels, but a BAU equivalent.
  • #dtspo-daily-checks - if you have any spare time between completing BAU tickets have a look at the daily checks to see if you can resolve any of the checks in red 🔴

BAU Teams Calls

Both the Daily Standup and Triage calls take place on teams. You will need someone who is already an attendee in these meetings to invite you to them.

Kanban Board

You will need to get a member of the BAU squads (Green & Purple) to add you to the board when you join.

This page was last reviewed on 5 March 2025. It needs to be reviewed again on 5 March 2026 by the page owner platops-build-notices .
This page was set to be reviewed before 5 March 2026 by the page owner platops-build-notices. This might mean the content is out of date.