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Artifactory Patching

Artifactory is utilized in the context of managing and updating software dependencies and configurations within a Kubernetes environment.

The steps below will show you how to check and update self-hosted version of Artifactory being used. This process involves accessing Artifactory’s website to determine the latest version available.

Before applying the update on PTL AKS Cluster, a testing process is initiated and is conducted on PTLSBOX AKS Cluster. This involves raising a PR to the Artifactory repo containing configuration files, creating ‘artifactory-sbox.yaml’ file and editing ‘kustomization.yaml’ files with your changes as seen in the example PR below. In addition, checking Artifactory pods are healthy and access to Artifcatory is available.

Example PR of PTLSBOX changes.

Example PR of PTL changes after testing on PTLSBOX.

If any issues arise during the update process, troubleshooting steps are provided. These steps involve identifying and resolving any errors or conflicts that may occur, such as missing namespaces or configuration discrepancies.

Artifactory Patching Process

1. Updating CFT PTLSBOX

Connect to PTLSBOX cluster

• Make the changes to the ‘kustomization.yaml’ and create a new file named ‘artifactory-sbox.yaml’ following the Example PR and updating the latest version.

Note the file path of ‘kustomization.yaml’ and ‘artifactory-sbox.yaml’ in the PR.

• Raise a PR similar to the Example PR and get your PR approved and merged.

2. Check new version on CFT PTLSBOX

• Run the following commands ensuring pods are healthy and has applied new version. Note version number found at “artifactory-oss”.

• Ensure you can access Artifacory website. Note you will need to be connected to F5 VPN to access this link.

  kubectl get pods -n artifactory
  kubectl describe pods -n artifactory artifactory-oss-0

3. Update CFT PTL

Connect to PTL cluster

• Remove ‘artifactory-sbox.yaml’ file and its corresponding code from kustomization.yaml.

• Update the version in ‘artifactory.yaml’ to latest version eg, (7.84.12).

          - image:
            name: artifactory-oss

• Raise a PR similar to the Example and get your PR approved and merged.

• Repeat step 2 checking the new version on CFT PTL ensuring the pods are healthy.

GitHub repo

Artifactory Note you will need to be connected to F5 VPN to access this link.

Artifactory Release Information

This page was last reviewed on 6 June 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 6 June 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices .
This page was set to be reviewed before 6 June 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices. This might mean the content is out of date.