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Upgrading Azure API Management platform version

This runbook describes how to upgrade the Azure API Management platform version.

Stv1 to stv2 migration is a two-step process. The first step is to trigger the migration by moving to the new subnet. The second step is to move back to the old subnet.

  • stv1, or Single-tenant version 1, is an Azure-allocated compute infrastructure. It represents an older version of Azure single-tenant compute infrastructure.

  • stv2, or Single-tenant version 2, is a more advanced Azure-allocated compute infrastructure. It supports additional features such as availability zones and private endpoints. This version is available for various tiers including Developer, Basic, Standard, and Premium. This runbook describes how to upgrade the Azure API Management platform version, specifically migrating from stv1 to stv2.

Follow these steps to perform the migration:

Trigger the migration by moving to the new subnet. This can be done via the pipeline by setting the environment variable trigger_migration to true. After about 20 minutes, stv1 should be upgraded to stv2 and be in the new subnet.

Move stv2 back to the old subnet via the pipeline by setting the environment variable trigger_migration to false. After about 20 minutes, the APIM instance should be back in the old subnet.

For all other environments, you will need to pass the temporary subnet prefix via the component to create the migration subnet as iaas will not be used in the migration.

Ensure the subnet of the API Management route table is the same as the temporary one.

Updating Firewall

Update hub-terraform-infra with the new private IP. hub-terraform-infra

Update hub-panorama-terraform with the new private IP. hub-panoram-terraform

Updating DNS

Update the private DNS address with new private IP Private DNS

Clean up temporary resources

Wait 40 minutes for temporary IP to disassociate from Azure owned load balancer.

After the migration, Resources clean up via triggering the temp_pip variable which will destroy all temp resources.

Run the pipeline to destroy the temporary resources.

Confirm the migration is successful by checking the APIM instance is in the old subnet and test the API endpoints.


Migrate to stv2 platform - Azure API Management - VNet injected

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