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Splunk datadisk configuration


The purpose of this documentation is to provide engineers with some additional details on how the data disk configuration has been setup in the splunk infrastructure, where the configuration of this can seem obscure to those who haven’t worked in this space before.

You can find all code related to the splunk infrastructure in the hmcts/soc repository, the terraform for this lives side-by-side with Tenable nessus scanner and EventHub configurations.

Files related to the data-disk configuration:

  • []
  • []
  • []

The script is used to format and mount data disks attached to splunk VMs to the /splunkdata and /splunkcolddata directories. The decision logic looks at the size of the datadisk attached to the VM and mounts it to the directories accordingly.


  • The script is executed as a Custom Script Extension.
  • /splunkdata for disk sizes < 1 TB, 2 TB or 15.6 TB in size.
  • /splunkcolddata for disk sizes 3.9T or 12.7 TB.
  • Sizes are read from fdisk command, this is in case the LUN numbers aren’t always consistent between the datadisks.
  • Disk size has to match exactly that from fdisk in order for this to work.
  • Disks are created within logical volume groups, so you could technically mount more than one disk a to given directory.
  • If a disk is already matched and mounted to a directory, then the script will bypass doing anything (i.e. it won’t modify any existing configurations).

The file contains a number of objects related to the splunk data disk configurations.


  • Object ‘vmdisks’ is where disks configurations should be placed, or referenced from the sbox.tfvars | prod.tfvars file.
  • Object ‘disk_list’ parses the vmdisks object into a map, such that it can be read by the terraform resource in, without the need for complicated logic.

The file contains the terraform resources for sorting data disk definitions and attachments applied to a VM.


  • The resources will read properties from ‘local.disk_list’.
This page was last reviewed on 26 January 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 26 January 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices .
This page was set to be reviewed before 26 January 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices. This might mean the content is out of date.