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Updating Docmosis Variables

  • Clone cnp-flux-config repository locally and checkout to a new branch before making any changes.
  • Run the following command:
 mkdir tmp; kubectl create secret generic docmosis-secret --from-literal DOCMOSIS_KEY={License Key} --from-literal DOCMOSIS_ADMINPW={Admin Password} --from-literal DOCMOSIS_ACCESSKEY={Access Key} --from-literal DOCMOSIS_SITE="Licensed To: Ministry Of Justice.  For use with single project: Reform Document Generation" --namespace docmosis --dry-run=client -o json > tmp/{env}-docmosis.json
  • Make sure to fill in all the {} placeholders accordingly. You can obtain {License Key}, {Admin Password}, and {Access Key} by connecting to the K8S cluster in the environment you’re making the change in and running this command kubectl get secret docmosis-secret -o yaml -n docmosis.
  • The values shown in the data: block are in base64, so run echo "value" | base64 --decode to decode, these are to be used as the placeholders.
  • Once the above step is done, if the environment is using FluxV1 run:
 kubeseal --format=yaml --cert=k8s/{env}/pub-cert.pem < tmp/{env}-docmosis.json > k8s/{env}/common/sealed-secrets/docmosis-secret.yaml
  • For environments that have fully migrated to FluxV2, run:
 kubeseal --format=yaml --cert=clusters/{env}/pub-cert.pem < {env}/sandbox-docmosis.json > apps/docmosis/{env}/base/docmosis-secret.yaml
  • You can delete the tmp directory. Now commit your changes to Github, ensuring you don’t include the tmp/{env}-docmosis.json file, and raise a PR. Once this PR is approved flux will handle replacing the secrets in the cluster.
  • Kill the docmosis pods in the cluster for the environment you’re altering a variable in for your changes to take effect. Docmosis pods live in the docmosis namespace.

Verifying your changes

  • Docmosis GUI Password
  • Docmosis GUI (AAT) - Connect to the VPN and then log in with the password found in the above point. You can then navigate to the Configuration tab and view the changes here.
This page was last reviewed on 26 January 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 26 January 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices .
This page was set to be reviewed before 26 January 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices. This might mean the content is out of date.