Modified AppAttach Scripts
These scripts are a modified version of four powershell scripts created by Ryan Mangan.
These scripts rely on a JSON config file to mount, register and provision packages. They have been modified by us to accept the config file from a command-line argument rather than being hardcoded. This allows us to use the same scripts to provision different sets of packages at a time.
Created on: 19/08/2020 20:31
Created by: Ryan Mangan
Organization: Ryan Mangans IT Blog ltd
Filename: AppattachStage.ps1
MSIX App Attach Staging Script
This script reads the Json Configuration file, mounts the VHD with no Drive letter and as read only.
A new MSIX Junction is created with the package name
Package Manager is run for staging the package (Windows.Management.Deployment.PackageManager)
Point to note, ensure the VHD and json are in the same location as the script for this to work correctly.
Its recommended that all scripts are signed to remove the need to elevate or change the remote execution policy on the host this script is being run.
[string]$configPath = $null
if ($null -eq $configPath)
throw "Please provide a path to a config file";
$configFile = Resolve-Path $configPath | Get-Content -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json;
foreach ($package in $configFile)
$vhdSrc = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot $package.vhdFileName;
$packageName = $package.packageName;
$parentFolder = "\" + $package.parentFolder + "\";
$volumeGuid = $package.volumeGuid;
$msixJunction = $package.msixJunction;
Mount-Diskimage -ImagePath $vhdSrc -NoDriveLetter -Access ReadOnly;
Write-Host ("Mounting of " + $vhdSrc + " was completed!") -BackgroundColor Green;
Write-Host ("Mounting of " + $vhdSrc + " has failed!") -BackgroundColor Red;
$msixDest = "\\?\Volume{" + $volumeGuid + "}\";
if (!(Test-Path $msixJunction))
New-Item $msixJunction -ItemType Directory;
$msixJunction = Join-Path $msixJunction $packageName;
if (Test-Path $msixJunction)
throw "The path $msixJunction already exists!";
cmd.exe /c mklink /j $msixJunction $msixDest
if (0 -ne $lec)
throw "mklink returned exit code $lec";
[Windows.Management.Deployment.PackageManager, Windows.Management.Deployment, ContentType = WindowsRuntime] | Out-Null;
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime;
$asTask = ([System.WindowsRuntimeSystemExtensions].GetMethods() | Where-Object { $_.ToString() -eq 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[TResult] AsTask[TResult,TProgress](Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperationWithProgress`2[TResult,TProgress])' })[0];
$asTaskAsyncOperation = $asTask.MakeGenericMethod([Windows.Management.Deployment.DeploymentResult], [Windows.Management.Deployment.DeploymentProgress]);
$packageManager = [Windows.Management.Deployment.PackageManager]::new();
$path = $msixJunction + $parentFolder + $packageName;
$path = ([System.Uri]$path).AbsoluteUri;
$asyncOperation = $packageManager.StagePackageAsync($path, $null, "StageInPlace");
$task = $asTaskAsyncOperation.Invoke($null, @($asyncOperation));
Created on: 19/08/2020 20:31
Created by: Ryan Mangan
Organization: Ryan Mangans IT Blog ltd
Filename: AppattachRegister.ps1
MSIX App Attach Register Script
This script reads the Json Configuration file, and
Registers the Application for the user.
Point to note, ensure the VHD and json are in the same location as the script for this to work correctly.
Its recommended that all scripts are signed to remove the need to elevate or change the remote execution policy on the host this script is being run.
[string]$configPath = $null
if ($null -eq $configPath)
throw "Please provide a path to a config file";
$configFile = Resolve-Path $configPath | Get-Content -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json;
foreach ($package in $configFile)
$packageName = $package.packageName;
$path = Join-Path $env:ProgramFiles ("WindowsApps\" + $packageName + "\AppxManifest.xml");
Add-AppxPackage -Path $path -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register;
Created on: 19/08/2020 20:31
Created by: Ryan Mangan
Organization: Ryan Mangans IT Blog ltd
Filename: AppattachDeregister.ps1
MSIX App Attach Deregister Script
This script reads the Json Configuration file, and
Deregisters the Application for the user.
Point to note, ensure the VHD and json are in the same location as the script for this to work correctly.
Its recommended that all scripts are signed to remove the need to elevate or change the remote execution policy on the host this script is being run.
[string]$configPath = $null
if ($null -eq $configPath)
throw "Please provide a path to a config file";
$configFile = Resolve-Path $configPath | Get-Content -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json;
$configFile = Get-Content $configFPath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json;
foreach ($package in $configFile)
$packageName = $package.packageName;
Remove-AppxPackage -PreserveRoamableApplicationData $packageName
Created on: 19/08/2020 20:31
Created by: Ryan Mangan
Organization: Ryan Mangans IT Blog ltd
Filename: AppattachDestage.ps1
MSIX App Attach Destage Script
This script reads the Json Configuration file, and
Destage's the Application and MSIX Junction from the host.
Point to note, ensure the VHD and json are in the same location as the script for this to work correctly.
Its recommended that all scripts are signed to remove the need to elevate or change the remote execution policy on the host this script is being run.
[string]$configPath = $null
if ($null -eq $configPath)
throw "Please provide a path to a config file";
$configFile = Resolve-Path $configPath | Get-Content -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json;
foreach ($package in $configFile)
$vhdSrc = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot $package.vhdFileName;
$packageName = $package.packageName;
$msixJunction = Join-Path $package.msixJunction $packageName;
Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers -Package $packageName;
Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath $vhdSrc;
if (Test-Path $msixJunction)
Remove-Item $msixJunction -Force -Recurse;
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It needs to be reviewed again on 26 January 2025
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