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Executing Queries

You can execute queries in any number of ways, below are some suggestions

Small queries

  • Connect to Postgres by following commands outlined in cnp-module-postgres

  • Once in, you can execute provided query cmd psql> paste your query here;

Note: The prompt would most likely be the DB_NAME you provided in steps you followed when connecting to the DB

  • Copy the output result and send it to the authorised recipient, this is usually mentioned in the ticket. If not mentioned, then confirm with team members before sending data off

  • For small queries with large results, you could do the following to output to file

  \o <filename>.csv
    <your query here>

This should create a file called <filename>.csv with the output in it.

Note: the extension could be whatever you choose, using csv in the example below

Example: Output to file

Larger, lengthier queries

  • Connect to Postgres as described in above step
  • Create a new file, for example cmd vi <ticket-number>-<any-extras-labeling>.sql You could use nano as well. Just replace vi with nano
  • Copy/paste query and save it cmd :wq! If using nano then use it’s equivalent
  • Once file is saved you could run the command passing the file as input to Postgres. cmd psql "sslmode=require host=${POSTGRES_HOST} dbname=${DB_NAME} user=${DB_USER}" -o DTSPO-2766-result.csv < DTSPO-2766-get-case-data.sql Here DTSPO-2766-result.csv is where I want the results saved and DTSPO-2766-get-case-data.sql is the file with provided sql query
  • If no errors, you can cat the output file for a quick eye-balling 👀 cmd cat <output-file>.csv

Bringing query file home

You can use any sftp tool of your choice to connect to bastion or follow below steps

  • Log out of your ssh terminal by exiting
  • Copy the file from the bastion server right from your terminal cmd scp /Users/<location-of-choice> /Users/<location-of-choice> being a path on your file system, here is an example using a MAC
  • You can now send the file(s) to authorised recipient(s) or share as instructed in the ticket.
    If unclear, confirm with team members.

If you run into any other issues please feel free to reach out to team members.


In the in cnp-module-postgres documentation cmd export PGPASSWORD=<result-from-earlier> Assign to the variable PGPASSWORD the token returned from the az account get-access-token ... command you ran earlier


Token to Password

Some external reference

You can have a quick peak for some psql info that may be useful

This page was last reviewed on 26 January 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 26 January 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices .
This page was set to be reviewed before 26 January 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices. This might mean the content is out of date.