Elastic Search Support
This provides instructions on how to contact Elastic Search support.
Raise a case
There is a limited number of User Accounts permitted on the Portal. The following people have an account - please reach out to them to raise a support case:
Linda Green – linda.green@justice.gov.uk
Will Watters – Will.Watters1@justice.gov.uk
Manan Patel - manan.patel@justice.gov.uk
Felix Eyetan - felix.eyetan@justice.gov.uk
Thomas Thornton Thomas.Thornton1@justice.gov.uk
Hannah Smith - Hannah.Smith16@justice.gov.uk
Jordan Brown - Jordan.Brown@justice.gov.uk
DTS Licensing Team - DTSOpsconfman@justice.gov.uk
Support escalation and contacts
Business hours: Europe - West
Support coverage: 24/7/365
Initial response times:
Level 1: 1 hour
Level 2: 4 hours
Level 3: 1 business day
Escalation contacts:
Priya Patel, Account Manager - priya.patel@elastic.co
Chris Jackson, MoJ/HMCTS Account Lead - chris.jackson@elastic.co
Dave Beech, Technical Lead – dave.beech@elastic.co
Useful email addresses: