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Support and maintenance

In order to improve the existing services from a support and maintenance perspective the Legacy team are undergoing a process of migrating the Web application services to two HMCTS managed AWS platforms:

  • AWS Cloud Platform - This platform will host the services which can be migrated to run as Linux dockerised containers.

The official documentation for this environment can be found on confluence

  • AWS Modernisation Platform - This platform will host the services which have been written using old versions of the Windows .Net platform and cannot be easily upgraded to .Net Core

The official documentation for this environment can be found on confluence

The aim is to provide a standardised hosting architecture, pipeline build and an upgraded set of application components (Java versions, database versions) where possible.

Both platform migrations require the creation of Terraform Infrastructure as Code scripts, which currently do not exist.

This page was last reviewed on 13 August 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 13 February 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices .
This page was set to be reviewed before 13 February 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices. This might mean the content is out of date.