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At the time of writing; Probate, CMC, SSCS, Employment, Divorce and FPLA are the only approved consumers of production ElasticSearch. We understand that this may change in the future as teams will want to utilise the enhanced functionality and performance that ElasticSearch provides.

The following process must be adhered to for teams wanting to consume ElasticSearch in production:

  1. Contact CCD and talk through your requirements with them explaining your circumstances and why you want to use ES in prod
  2. Provide detailed information consumption/ usage thresholds and obtain approval from QA/performance team usage is supportable by the system
  3. Ensure the latest definition file you want to be used in prod is applied in the ccd-definition-store
  4. Once approval has been obtained from CCD that they are happy for you to go live please raise a DTSPO ticket on Jira with Platform Operations and attach your latest definition file to the ticket. You must include the jurisdiction you wish elasticsearch to pull in.
  5. After Platform Operations have confirmed that the work has been done on their end validate the results.

Elasticsearch service failed to start

There have been cases where the elasticsearch service has failed to start when the vm is booted up. As a temporary workaround over the Christmas period, we have implemented a cron job that will check the status of the service and restart if required. This job will run every hour, on the hour during this period. You can check the status of runs here.

This page was last reviewed on 31 March 2025. It needs to be reviewed again on 30 June 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices .
This page was set to be reviewed before 30 June 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices. This might mean the content is out of date.