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Environment schedule


See below the list of environments that are shut down outside of working hours on Monday to Friday (they are shutdown the whole weekend as well):

Shared Services CFT Shutdown Start
Staging AAT 8pm 7am
Demo Demo 8pm 7am
ITHC ITHC 8pm 7am
Test Perftest 8pm 7am
Dev Preview 8pm 7am
PTL PTL 8pm 7am
Sandbox Sandbox 8pm 7am

How to start and stop the resources for an environment from pipeline

Currently we start and stop the AKS Clusters, Application Gateways and Postgres Flexible Servers for the abovementioned environments. If required, the resources in an environment can be started outside of these hours using a GitHub action on the auto-shutdown repository.

Start a specific environment

  1. Navigate to Manual Start action on the auto-shutdown repository.
  2. Select ‘Run Workflow’
  3. Ensure the ‘master’ branch and the correct Business Area, Environment and Cluster option are selected. Then select ‘Run Workflow’
  4. Select the new build which will appear at the top under Workflow Runs and will be identifiable by an orange dot which means the build is currently running.
  5. Select ‘build’ under ‘Jobs’
  6. Expand the ‘Manual Start’ dropdown to view the job output.

Skip shutdown functionality

In the event that an environment or environments are needed outside of the default hours, you can raise a request to automatically exclude it from the shutdown schedule. You can view more details in the auto-shutdown README

How to ask for help

If you need help you can raise a help request to the Platform Operations team via the #platops-help channel.

This page was last reviewed on 15 July 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 15 January 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices .
This page was set to be reviewed before 15 January 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices. This might mean the content is out of date.