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Sandbox Cleardown

What is this for?

The sandbox cleardown repo contains pipelines and scripts to remove resources from the sandbox environment based on resource tags in Azure.

All resources in the sandbox environment will have an expiresAfter tag with a date value.

Any resources that have an expiresAfter tag value dated in the past, based on the script runtime, will be deleted.

This ensures resources that are not required long term are removed.

The expiresAfter tag

In the Sandbox environment resources must be tagged with an end date after which they are no longer needed. They will then be automatically deleted after this date.

By default a tag will be added as now() + 14 days.

You can customise this by setting an explicit date:

module "tags" {
  source      = "git::"
  environment = var.env
  product     = var.product
  builtFrom   = var.builtFrom
  expiresAfter = "2023-01-01" # YYYY-MM-DD

Or by setting it to never expire with a date far into the future:

module "tags" {
  source      = "git::"
  environment = var.env
  product     = var.product
  builtFrom   = var.builtFrom
  expiresAfter = "3000-01-01" # never expire

Sandbox Cleardown Channel

The #sandbox-cleardown slack channel has been created to post warning messages about resources that are scheduled to be cleared down in the sandbox environment.

Once a resource has been deleted, an alert will posted in the channel.

See timelines below:

Alert Type Timeline
Resource will be Deleted 5 days prior until day of deletion
Deleted Resource Day of deletion
Unable to Delete Resource Day of deletion
This page was last reviewed on 31 March 2025. It needs to be reviewed again on 30 September 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices .
This page was set to be reviewed before 30 September 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices. This might mean the content is out of date.