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To find out more about the common pipeline please see it’s documentation.

There are Jenkins servers for both CFT (Civil, Family & Tribunal) and SDS (Shared Digital Services)

The steps to be followed below depend on what business area your application is in.

  1. Add the required GitHub topic to the repository to see your repository in Jenkins Org.

  2. Add a Jenkins build dashboard.

    CFT: cnp-flux-config

    SDS: sds-flux-config

  3. Scan the organisation manually on Jenkins if it doesn’t scan automatically.

  4. To allow Jenkins to deploy to production, you must add your GitHub repository to this list of approved repositories:

    CFT: hmcts/cnp-jenkins-config/environment-approvals.yml

    SDS: hmcts/sds-jenkins-config/environment-approvals.yml

GitHub topics

Jenkins looks for repositories by searching for GitHub topics.

The topics are named after the Jenkins instance the repository will be built on and on CFT they are split alphabetically in a balanced split (most teams are before ‘j’ in the alphabet).

e.g. if your repository starts with div you look for where ‘d’ is in the topics, in CFT this would be jenkins-cft-d-i.

See the GitHub documentation on how to add a topic.

CFT Topics

  • jenkins-cft-a-c
  • jenkins-cft-d-i
  • jenkins-cft-j-z

SDS Topics

SDS repositories are not currently split, but they may be in the future.

  • jenkins-sds
This page was last reviewed on 15 August 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 15 February 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices .
This page was set to be reviewed before 15 February 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices. This might mean the content is out of date.