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Once you’ve received your or email account and Confluence access, you can request GitHub access in one of two ways:

  1. If someone in your team already has access then ask them to follow the instructions on the Person onboarding document to add you.
  2. If you’re the first person in your team you should raise a help request in #platops-help, asking for GitHub access, and say that you agree to the Acceptable Use Policy.

Once you’ve been added you will be able to join GitHub from your dashboard.

GitHub Teams

Now you need to create two ‘GitHub teams’ for your team.

  1. Click on the ‘teams’ tab
  2. Create a team called <team-name>
  • Link this team to your Microsoft Entra ID group created as part of Microsoft Entra ID onboarding. This will mean your team members are automatically added when they join.
  1. Create a team called <team-name>-admins

see also creating a GitHub repository.

Team metadata required for pipelines

Each team needs to add configuration for their team to the team-config file in the cnp-jenkins-config repository.

Please send a pull request with your configuration.

All fields are mandatory,

Copy another teams config and adjust to meet your needs.

sscs: # product name in Jenkinsfile_CNP, this will be a 'short name' that your team is known by
  team: "SSCS" # team 'display name', useful for longer more recognisable names for tagging
  namespace: "sscs" # Kubernetes namespace, usually the same as your 'product name'
    contact_channel: "#sscs-tech" # public channel that you can be contacted at
    build_notices_channel: "#sscs-tech" # all build notices will be sent here
    application: "social-service-child-support" # name that your service is known to by FinOps, contact Bruce Rawstorne if unsure, you can put something in temporarily

Make sure your product name is not too long as some Azure resources have constraints on their length which can easily be hit if names are too long.

This page was last reviewed on 15 August 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 15 February 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices .
This page was set to be reviewed before 15 February 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices. This might mean the content is out of date.