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Prereq - CI/CD and SVC

If these terms are alien to you, this would be a good time to take a pause, grab your favourite beverage and have a read of the follow documentation

With that out of the way, the first thing we’ll need to get setup for the labs is a pipeline as all your code would need to run somewhere.

While we can execute our terraform code manually, as explained in the next section and mainly in lab environments or personal cloud accounts, we advice that you stick to having your code in a git repo in your live environments.

This section will introduce you to our Git repo and Azure DevOps pipelines, we know you will need to visit Git and Azure pipelines like everyday so we might as well get started with that.

Lab Git Repo

Platform Operations uses Git for it’s source control. To create a repo for your lab, follow the steps below

  • Navigate to the HMCTS git organisations page. If you dont already have access you can double check the Onboarding Checklist to make sure you have the right access. You can also speak to a team member to assist if needed. #platform-operations
  • Create a new git repo. Call this repo lab-yourname-goldenpath. You can follow this convention in other sections of this exercise as this makes it easier to when cleaning up resources after the labs.

    Create new Git repo Createnew Git repo

๐Ÿ”” In a production environment you will need to update your new repository’s settings to allow merging to master | main only from a branch PR and also to require at least 1 reviewer for PR’s created. You can learn more about this in the Managing your repositoryโ€™s settings and features documentation.

  • Clone your new repo to your local machine as you will need this later.

Lab Pipeline

You will also need a devops pipeline to run your code. To create a pipeline, follow the steps below

  • Create a pipeline in Azure Devops. In Azure DevOps, navigate to the HMCTS Platform Operations organisation. On the Pipelines menu, click on Pipelines

    HMCTS DevOps Organisation HMCTS DevOps Organisation
    Create new DevOps project Create new Devops pipeline
  • Specify where you code repository is, in our case this would be Git

    Specify Git repository Specify Git repository

  • Follow the relevant screens and prompts, select your lab repository in Git which would be an item in the repos listed after authentication is complete. You may see screens similar to the once below

    Create new pipeline Create new pipeline

    Select new pipeline repo Select new pipeline repo

    Authorise Azure DevOps Authorise Azure DevOps

Build your resources

To get your resources provisioned, follow the steps below

  • In the lab-azure-resource folder copy all the files into your repo root folder.
    Your repo folder on your local machine should now look like this
  โ”œโ”€โ”€ .gitignore
  โ”œโ”€โ”€ azure-pipelines.yaml
  โ””โ”€โ”€ components
      โ””โ”€โ”€ lab

๐Ÿ“ฃ NOTE: You may want to modify prefix in your resource names defined in This will make them easier to identify, especially when there are multiple people doing labs at the same time. Ensure that the total resource name lengths do not exceed Azure limits, example:

  prefix      = "xy-${formatdate("YYMMDDhhmm", timestamp())}"
  • Commit and push to your repo. This will trigger a devops pipeline run.

What did i just create?

A lot has happened and is a good place to walk you through what’s taken place so far

  • If you have a look into the pipeline yaml file you will notice the following piece of config
      - repository: cnp-azuredevops-libraries
        type: github
        ref: refs/heads/master
        name: hmcts/cnp-azuredevops-libraries
        endpoint: 'hmcts'

This loads a central template resource that used in all our repos to provide base or required functionality that most pipelines need, you don’t have to configure certain functionality from scratch, you simply reuse.

Have a look at the cnp-azuredevops-libraries repo to findout what capabilities this can give you in your other projects.

  • You have all the terraform resource configuration that will spin up your lab resources

  • You dont need to manually run or define plan or apply stages why?… yes, you guessed right, because it’s already configured in the cnp-azuredevops-libraries‘s terraform step.

This is done by using the functionality as below

  - stage: deploy
      - job: PlanAndApply
          - template: steps/terraform.yaml@cnp-azuredevops-libraries

and pass in the required parameters

  • Thank us later ๐Ÿ˜‰, you now have a default template that you can always use as a starting point on most repo’s you will create in the real world ๐Ÿ˜Ž.
This page was last reviewed on 19 December 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 19 February 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices .
This page was set to be reviewed before 19 February 2025 by the page owner platops-build-notices. This might mean the content is out of date.