GoldenPath PlatOps
The Platform Operations team provides the creation, support, maintenance and enhancement of our Platform services and associated pipelines, with a focus on automation and self-service. This enables project development and enduring product teams to deliver quality digital products rapidly, supporting the business as well as supporting and enhancing live services to citizens and internal staff.
More about PlatOps
You can find more information about the team on DTS Platform Operations confluence page
About the Golden Path
The PlatOps GoldenPath’s aim is to introduce our engineers to some key areas and technologies stack that they most certainly will encounter on the project and also provide links to core repositories while walking you through some hands-on exercise to get you familiar with them and the Azure portal.
Core Repositories
- rdo-terraform-hub
- hub-panorama-terraform
- azure-platform-terraform
- azure-public-dns
- GoldenPath-platops
The Architecture
What you will learn
At the end of this exercise you would have been introduced to the following technologies we use
- Kubernetes
- Flux/Helm
- Palo Alto Firewalls
- Azure Firewall
- Hub and Spoke Network Architecture
- Panorama Management
- GitHub and source control
- Azure DevOps Pipeline
- Azure FrontDoor
- Application Gateway
- DNS Zones
You will have a feel of the HMCTS landscape to help you navigate your way through your epics and tasks.
GoldenPath HandsOs - Code samples
Code for the Azure Virtual Networks section labs can be found in the labs resource folder
We would appreciate your feedback at the end of this exercise. This would help us improve on this for other engineers. Please leave your on the #platops-goldenpath channel.
We have a collecion of information to help you get settled in
Platform Operations GoldenPath Walkthrough
The walkthrough will take you through some of our core technology landscape. We are certain you will need to be in this space at some point and would like to introduce you to them.
There are hands-on exercises we’d like you to complete and trust you’ll find them useful.